Book a stay

1 roomrooms, 2 guestguests

Room 1


16 years or older


5-15 years

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Buchen Sie zu Ihrem Übernachtungspaket doch auch grad noch eines unserer beliebten Genuss-Packages und erleben Sie kulinarische Highlights in unserem aigu Restaurant oder in der aigu Bar & Lounge. Wir bieten für jeden Geschmack das Passende.

Discovered at the Park Hotel

Where We Serve Up Melodies

Care to spend an evening in timeless elegance? Book our exclusive Piano Vibes special package today and take a seat at our converted grand piano, which has become a hip spot to lean on or pull up a seat. Book now and let's celebrate the sounds and flavours of life together!

A Little Afternoon Indulgence

Indulge your desire for the most irresistible coffee specialities & cakes.